Raw material end support oil coke carburizer prices continue to rise

New Year’s Day just past, oil coke carburizer several price adjustment, raw material end to play a leading role in the market, support oil coke carburizer prices continue to rise.


In the field C≥98.5%, S≤0.5%, particle size: 1-5mm oil coke carburizer as an example, the factory in Liaoning province including tax mainstream quotation concentrated between 5500-5600 yuan/ton; Tianjin area continued before the situation, affected by the market downturn, the focus of enterprise products shift, low sulfur oil coke carburizer products are few and far between, suspension of foreign quotation.


Liaohe petrochemical calcined coke price adjustment today 5200 yuan/ton, the price of “rapid”, leading to the overall price of oil coke carburizer in Liaoning rose 200 yuan/ton, enterprises are also flexible according to the inventory margin in the plant, the quotation is not high or low.


The downstream shipment is still cold. Recently, the low sulfur calcined coke increased from 4800 yuan/ton to 5200 yuan/ton in a short period of time. The speed change frequency is high, and the downstream customers are slow to accept the new price. The market is also stimulating the downstream customers to increase the frequency of inquiry, but in the face of high prices of oil coke carburizer, the new single single rate is low, the basic long association. Some buyers are still focused on graphitized petroleum coke products, the oil coke market after calcined.


Although the price of raw materials has been on the rise, the demand performance of the downstream is general, the manufacturers’ positive attitude is not strong, the upstream and downstream stalemate still exists. Overall, in the short term, oil coke carburizer market or will change with the raw material end still have upward expectations.

Post time: Jan-17-2022